To use this booking system, you will first need to create a user account and once you have done this, you will be able to manage your own bookings, access course evaluations, certificates and access your training history.
Events & Courses : Supporting Children living with childhood obesity - what works?
Supporting Children living with childhood obesity - what works? - 28904
Wednesday 11 June 2025 (11:30 - 13:30)
Venue: Conference Room B - Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL
Places Available: 19
Supporting Children living with childhood obesity - what works? - 28844
Wednesday 17 September 2025 (09:30 - 11:30)
Venue: Civic Offices, Floor 3, Chief Executives Conference Room - Civic Offices,
Guildhall Square,
Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL
Places Available: 18