Supporting Children living with childhood obesity - what works?

Date & Time:

Wednesday 17 September 2025 (09:30 - 11:30)

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Civic Offices, Floor 3, Chief Executives Conference Room, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL


Learning Outcomes:

  1. To Deepen knowledge of how obesity impacts on all aspects of a child's life
  2. To describe how children become severely obese, what the risk factors are and what impacts change
  3. To further your knowledge on what you can do within your role

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Further Information:

Venue Details:

Civic Offices, Floor 3, Chief Executives Conference Room, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL