Empowering Professionals to Effectively Safeguard Children from pre-birth to 3yrs

Date & Time:

Monday 18 March 2024 (09:00 - 13:30)

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Portsmouth Academy Training and Learning Centre (TLC), Manor Road, Portsmouth


This FREE Multi-Agency training is available to those working with children & families in Portsmouth

Who is it for?:

Any professional working in Portsmouth with children from pre-birth to 3 years.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. To have an awareness of the specific vulnerabilities of infants and embed learning from local reviews.
  2. Develop an understanding of research and emerging themes about the critical safeguarding risk factors to babies and infants.
  3. To have an understanding of the HIPS procedures, protocols and initiatives for safeguarding and protect children under 3 years old.
  4. To be aware of how a relational approach to practice can empower those working with parents/carers, to have conversations about critical safeguarding messages with them, about the care of their baby.


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:

Venue Details:

Portsmouth Academy Training and Learning Centre (TLC), Manor Road, Portsmouth