The Importance of Community Partnership Information (CPI) Sharing

Date & Time:

Tuesday 6 May 2025 (10:00 - 10:45)

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Microsoft Teams, Virtual Meeting - Microsoft Teams


An explanation of the Community Partnership Information sharing form (CPI).

Learning Outcomes:

  • In what circumstances the form should be used
  • When to call 999/101 to report a crime and when to do a CPI instead
  • The importance of sharing information with police and how this relates to GDPR and the data protection act
  • The journey of a CPI – what can the results be?
  • How the form should be completed
  • Common errors seen when partners complete the forms
  • How we protect the details of the source of any such information


Who is it for? Everyone. In particular this is aimed at social workers, health care workers and pharmacists/GPs, schools and care settings, those who work in housing and drug/alcohol support.  

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Venue Details:

Microsoft Teams, Virtual Meeting - Microsoft Teams