Exploitation Masterclass - The National Referral Mechanism (NRM)

Date & Time:

Thursday 15 May 2025 (09:00 - 12:00)

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Conference Room B, Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL


This FREE training is available to those working with children & families in Portsmouth. It will provide a brief overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 & how to make an NRM referral  when  Children & Young People in Portsmouth are potential victims of Modern Slavery/Trafficking

Please note a pre-requisite for attending this Masterclass is that you have previously attended exploitation training and / or you have experience working within this area.

Who is it for? - This FREE training is available to those working with children & families in Portsmouth

The Learning Outcomes are:

  • Apply the duties & responsibilities upon all professionals/practitioners to refer to First Responders when a child is a suspected/potential victim of Child Slavery/Trafficking
  • Understand the duties & obligations of First Responders re making a referral via Child Safeguarding routes, the ICTG service & the NRM
  • Explain the benefits of the ICTG service & NRM within section 47 Child Safeguarding enquiries
  • State & apply statutory guidance to support decisions & recording

Places Available:


Further Information:

Venue Details:

Conference Room B, Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL

On arrival you will be met in reception and taken to the training room.